Clickety-clack Clickety-clack Here on the railroad track
Shadows dance around me Unknown if they are real Cool fingers touch me Up my spine sending chills
But I hear nothing except the Clickety-clack, Clickety-clack As I walk down The railroad track
Under a ladder I have walked A black cat in front of me did dart the mirror I was holding Fell and shattered Now perches an owl in my path Beak opening to speak All I hear is *Clickety-clack
Clickety-clack Clickety-clack As I stand now Upon the railroad track
Bright light in my view I know what it's of Horn blares into the night It's sound envelopes me like a glove
But I am deaf to it For all I hear is Clickety-clack Clickety-clack As I lay down On the railroad track
Silence is best Laying here to rest The last sound I hear Clickety-clack, Clickety-clack *my heart, give it back...