America. Home of the brave land of the- 246,6660,710 white americans living in this country, which accounts for 77% of our population but Black Americans only make up 13% and somehow in 2015 were killed at a rate 5x higher than whites.
Lovely, wonderful free land of America Where 37% of black americas were killed by police in the year 2015. And out of the 102 cases of unarmed black men being killed only 10 police were charged only 2 were convicted. Only one spent jail time- one WHOLE year of weekend come and goes.
Oh America- Where colleges would rather cover up a ****, than catch a ******. Where High Schools take pity on abusers who play sports or have a high social standing- Where abusers don't get charged because the girl they ***** was "intoxicated". Where 4/5 of assaults are committed by someone known to the victim. 44% of victims are under 18 and every 107 seconds another PERSON is sexually assaulted and 68% go unreported and 98% of rapists will never spend a day in jail. and I know I mentioned this in the last poem but Brock Turner, I'm looking at you. But not in the eyes- I don't want you to think I want it or anything.
America! Where said white male ****** only gets two-six months in jail and a man selling CDs in front of a gas station gets four shots to the chest. But instead of asking why he got shot, they pull up his criminal record- because you guys, I thought you knew committing a crime automatically qualifies you for ******! But the white rapists swim record gets pulled up his mug shot gets hidden and his social stature gets him sympathy. But some people see Alton Sterling's son distraught on a TV screen and feel no remorse I'M NOT ******* AROUND ANYMORE.
America. Where again the people who are supposed to protect us- just end up killing us. By us I mean people and by that I mean "All Lives Matter" because ya know more whites get killed by cops too!!!
America. Where white people make up 77% of this lovely population and black people only make up 13% so it would make sense that more whites die. Even though statistically that's inaccurate (please see first paragraph of this poem).
America! That reminds me We're home of the All Lives Matter movement because white superiority is being called into question and we like to think white supremacy doesn't exist anymore!
"Why do black people have such a chip on their shoulder all the time?" "Can't they just like, idk- get over it?" They will get over it When racism doesn't exist anymore and they can do everyday tasks without experiencing discrimination. They will get over it when people don't see their skin as a threat and use the "n-word" like it means nothing. They will get over it when they can receive a fair trial They will get over it when systematic oppression isn't etched into their amount of melanin They will get over it when justice is ******* served.
America- where the idea of blacks being inferior is what the constitution and this country was built off of. Where people like Tomi Lahren obviously don't own a history book because she likes to think the civil war was fought to actually end slavery. Instead of beefing over turf.
America- home of the brave land of the- Trump supporters! & as Trump Says- Let's Make America Great Again! I'm sorry, I'm having trouble remembering can you remind me- when this country was ever actually great? It seems like he actually means- Let's Make America A Grave Again.