On the first day of the last week A girl wrapped in gold did appear She whispered to the people of the land Who knew their ending was near She softly uttered these words: "This can all be avoided still The destruction, the chaos The end all be all" The people shouted and cursed Throwing rocks and casting stones They all wanted to just return home Each worldly word fell on deaf ears For the rocks and stones clouted The girl of gold with fear On the second day of the final week A boy clothed in silver did appear He spoke to the people of the land For he knew of the crimes they committed the day before "You can repair the damages done But only within one last day You still somehow have hope" The mayor of these people Stepped forth and pleaded with His kin, his brethren But his words fell on deaf ears For he and the boy of silver Were slaughtered by once innocent people On the third day of the final week A screaming light tried to save them But the darkness of the hearts of the land Swallowed the light without thought Days later On the final day of the final week The world was visited by the four who died Each voice was powerful Each voice was echoing The people had been warned But now their choices came back for hauntings Each rush of negativity ever uttered On the now barren earth Fueled the four deities who had tried to help And their great power Engulfed the world in flames
On the first day of the first week after the final week The grass was replenished The sky was once again clear The poison that rushed through the veins of those people Finally eradicated A new race emerged slowly To repopulate the world But they had not yet been created So all that rested on the First day of the first week after the final day of the final week On a perfect green hill Under a perfect blue sky Grew a single flower Seven petals One for each day of the week