Another night awaits for my limbs to dangle from that swiveled chair as mirages pace the halls.
Keeping my office at the brink of 84 degrees to ensure my brisk, chilled heart warms for the night. Icicles form, coaxing my veins of merlot into the most ultramarine,
before blackening to obsidian.
An obsidian frost travels my body like highways and interstates transporting the most precious cargo from state to state ensuring this country stays in good health.
My body is a country?
Veins like blackened highways of broken stone and eyes like stars darkening to night. Hair that sways in the sultry wind while auburn tips lick the curve of my back, like trees dancing in the night
tickling the grass.
Blink a few times, I'm still in my swiveled chair, swiveling and swaying, forever in my swiveled chair as the walls hum a silent, coaxing lullaby. Where are the people within the walls? I have forgotten,