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Jun 2016
Those heavy crushing
Waves of doubt
That's so often
Come about
Zeroing in
With triangulating precision
Seeking any weak spot
Any crack
In the egos fragile shell
Seeping in
To get under your skin
In so subtle a way it's hard to tell
That you've been inundated
To the point of allowing
Your self to beΒ Β deflated
Sometimes so dramatic
That like a balloon let loose
To fly madly around the room
Regardless of the ricocheting
Life delaying
For something
you never needed to begin with
So as much as I hate
The seemingly endless situation
I try to chalk it up as the cost
Of my pursuit
Of higher education
My personal higher education
Keith W Fletcher
Written by
Keith W Fletcher  63/M/Oklahoma
     bones, Ami Shae, Heidi Kneip, Tryst and ---
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