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Jun 2016
I pledge allegiance to this body
(it has been mine since my palms felt the inside of my mother)
of short stature
of thick hair
of symbolic curves
of the united state between a mother + father
and to the republic for which it stands β€”on strong feetβ€”
(however cruel or judgmental or disrespectful its citizens may be )
one vessel under God
( for He is the One who moves my breath)
(there is no other like me)
with liberty
(it was mine when knees first scraped pavement)
and justice for all
(this body is mine, and by it I will do no wrong)
Getting back into the groove of things this morning;  I'm a little rusty , but well here it is.  If there is anything that doesn't make sense or that could use improving/editing pls comment!! I want to get better
Written by
andrea  21/F/Chicago
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