This life is not long enough For none of us From those who never make it Out of the womb To those who live to see A century pass and go on This life is too short For all of us From the babies that never made it Out from beneath their mothers ribs To those sitting in wheelchairs Being neglected in the places We shamefully call homes Life is no more than a moment A candle waiting to be kissed By wind and death A bee giving up its end To protect itself and die A leaf let go by branch And forgotten by tree A fly trapped in a web A feast for a spider A spider beneath foot A sandstorms last breath From within the hourglass No, No, No Life is not long enough Life is all too short A moment to push through the soil To be kissed by rain And sun And death Let the moment not go to waste And fade in the grip of oblivion Take each moment and each breath As if forever to be your last Forgive harm and self Give time patience ans kindness Find and keep love From the first moment To the last For in loves embrace I became lost in your gaze And the moment gave My heart To immortality