While it rains We sit in a window Looking out waiting for it to stop Our life goes into a limbo
All this precious time in our lives We waste on waiting For something or someone To happen
We wait for the light turn green For our laundry to be done We wait for the oven to preheat Or for reciprocated love
This limbo we live in while we wait Gives us nothing but grey hairs As our precious time slips away
Patience is a virtue When it comes to the right things worth waiting on But how much time is wasted in that limbo On things that aren't worth the wait?
It's a fine line Deciding when it's appropriate to wait But it's not worth it when we put our lives on hold With or without patience We grow old
In the end We all have an end How many of your pages are filled with words and events Instead of ellipses (...) which is The limbo we sit in while waiting