Words can be rotten, indeed, Tugging you in every step, Since they released the hold on those hellhounds, "You're an awful person". Letters may they only be, Yet they can still be as sinister, As a wolf creeping behind a rabbit. Yet, this being truth, It is a two-way mirror. They build us up or break our walls. They can be your rise, They can be your downfall. Words spoken may be all that powerful, But words can also best them, as well. See them as their insecurities, Not yours. Pity not yourself, not them, not anyone. Understand that they cannot understand you; They may have a reason not to? Please, don't lose yourself, In the blur of the letters and words they threw. Let the Demons in you be tamed, They can be freed for another time. Letters and words these may all be, Yet I hope what I want to say, you see. You are not alone. **We are not alone.