I am a soldier of fortune but my fortune is not ruin or even gold it's life that I hold in my hands as a soldier of God I stand before you to reveal man's duplicity of our so called democracy's the elected officials yet the only thing official is there are so many issues with man-made governments so many wars and so much poverty another lost cause for all to see.
I have no allegiance to parliaments and presidents or the flags they fly ***** rags soaked in the blood of those who've died and the tears of families left behind who cry my only loyalty is to God and his theocracy to expose mankind's hypocrisy how nation rise up against nation and man against man for God is our only salvation how do you not understand? I do not need a sword and a shield as Gods word is more powerful then anything you could wield It has the ability to change minds and to save lives the ability to expose true intentions and dispose of Satan's inventions.
Satan's sinister ploy to cause havoc and destroy the lives of many that follow his worldly governments enticed by riches of plenty for his entertainment like puppets on a string they do no thinking just further sinking into depravity lets pray its over soon that God ends their blasphemy and brings them to ruin so I no longer have to be a Soldier of Fortune.