Started with words as most things do. anger escalated to yelling and swearing. She came at me, fire and hate in her eyes, This petite little woman I called my wife. Her fists pounding my face and chest. Shocked more than hurt, I extended my arm to hold her off.
No man could ever do what she just did, Not without my strong physical rebuke. Yet I turned not a hand to this woman I loved. A day before I would have taken a bullet for her, and now it appears she'ed **** me if she could.
How does Committed Love so quickly turn to this? So it would seem, love is not even skin deep. My father warned me of this fact, a truth I refused to hear, and upon him I had turned my back and chosen her.
To her disrespect and abuse, I did what any decent man would do, I walked out the door and never returned.
Relax friends, thankfully this is not truly autobiographical. Yet it does happen all too often, just did to a young friend of ours. Abuse is not merely a male disease. Girls and women too, can and are infected. A learned behavior, a sad family legacy passed down from damaged parents.