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May 2016
Sometimes I feel
I give & give
My love, my wisdom
It's how I live
But some people, they
Just take & take
They **** me dry
With their heartache

I boost them up
Tell them they're fine
Encourage them
I'm their lifeline
When times are tough
When life is hard
I rally round
Love unbarred

But where are they
When I'm feeling down
They're just not here
They've all left town
I say I'm blue
I'm lost, I'm sad
I need a hug
I'm feeling bad

But they don't respond
To my plea
My hopelessness
They can not see
They do not care
Or can not cope
With my despair
There is no hope

I guess I need
To walk away
For my self worth
I can not stay
It can't go on
It has to change
I need to find
Some exchange

I'm not unkind
I just want to feel
That they'll give it back
That they'll be real
And understand
They can't just take

B r e a k

(C) Pixievic
Something I needed to get off my chest!
Written by
Pixievic  Birmingham - UK
(Birmingham - UK)   
       Dark n Beautiful, ---, katie, bex, --- and 34 others
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