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May 2016
She lay in the bed with blanket in the arms
The door is closed with other people in the outside
Her voices getting low
Everytime she call her name nobody heard it
2 boys coming and seeing her in the eyes
She swing around her head and back to back with them
The oldest girl said to the boys not to mob her
She said lets go beyond out adventure together

When the time goes by they split up together
The 2 of them back to the their palace
The girl not coming with them
But she's not helping the other girl either
She busy in her phone and enjoy her calling
While the other girl try to repel her trouble
Oh why this is happen?
Why she never aware about it?
That the girl she always rightfully proud of
Being the one who always against her

Everyone trying to covered her mistake
But one day it will show up and the siblings war
Start over and over again
its a story about a daughter and her mom, but its called as sibling war because at past they were like a siblings. but now, they're not.
llyraa Harawi Simprakay
Written by
llyraa Harawi Simprakay  SUB, Indonesia.
(SUB, Indonesia.)   
   Mirrored Soul
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