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May 2016
I cannot just pretend that I do not hurt
I cannot just turn my head when I can't look at you
I have to see you
I have to make sure you are still here
I cannot force you to stay and make me happy
I cannot force this weight I carry onto you
You don't know what I feel everyday
You keep telling me that it isn't my fault
Yet you told me that it was a friendship
Yet I never acted more with us
Now I sit here and cry every night
Now I lay here and look at the picture of us
I still wonder if it will ever be the same between us
I still wish that we could be together
Just want to know that why you don't blame me
Just want to know that I can still be able to have you
But I know that I can't have you
But yet I still blame myself everyday
Camron Elliott
Written by
Camron Elliott  Texas
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