worthy of impedance over time. cause of this space is to deliver me sleep-shaped. exit lights harbor sounds of the coming into just when you are born and raised, held completely against light favouring the source.
undenied, the demand of this assemble. in any given climate, moderate but will not touch ground. frothing elsewhere true life, once again this machine: in between labor and rest is the impossible. to reach for a certain ****** midair. height is palpable and will rinse flesh anew, how urgent before i decompose into blue shear in sky face to face with the all-too-immediate rasp of ground pulling together, cast into the unloved water breaking apart like mesh unwanted.
he is over space and this is to measure warmth, when execution is the verge of undoing. so barely-living and claiming it so, the cause of this performance is to free the body | making past the divide, careless and almost faced beyond a forthcoming of rescue: have escaped, have gone and already here.