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May 2016
This time the burn was too much to bare, I could not keep my mind off of it thinking life is not fair.
This time, as I breathe deeply, the burn ripped the flesh away, a third degree that took my skin, it took it all and did not repay.
This time was the tipping point, I felt it deep in my heart like a cold day ache in my joint.
The summit had been reached, the height of negativity, how did this moment have such longevity?

You could've burned me worse years ago when we first met, at least the damage would be done and there would be no regret.
I probably wouldn't have felt it, I've been devoid of these emotions.
I wouldn't have let it get to me, not even for a second so why it happened now is a true mystery, my hearts pain truly beckoned.
It created a rip in time that slowed life down, things drew on forever.
That second felt like a minute, my heart was a little bit in it.

That second felt longer than I would've ever intended it to be, it brought about some clarity, as I wiped my eyes to clearly see.
I've always wondered how time could be so relative, to let it get to my heart to create a spark, this time it was imperative.
I needed to feel this, have it push me over the edge, to have it hit me harder than a sledge.
This was the wake up call I've been missing, the memories will fade of you just like the passion of your kissing.

I've awakened from the pain, it's gone now it is slain.
Another lesson learned to not trust others who come and go in your life after you've been burned.
Get out of here with that nonsense, I don't need you and this won't weigh heavy on my conscience.
I'm going to let this go but still take note, I won't forget the feeling, all the lies that you spoke...I hope that you choke.

Needless to say I'm angry, these words spill out of me with no filter.
I will haunt with the words eventually, if I don't stop my mind and heart will end up as the next casualty.
I'm glad this will be going away shortly, that second seemed to last forever.
Tick goes the second, just the tick not the tock, not the multiple bits of time ringing from the clock.
Just the tick, that's enough time wasted, enough time being devastated.

Tick it goes and my heart stays beating slow.
Tick it sings and I turn the lights low.
Tick it rings and then it leaves.
Tick it goes and I still breathe.
Ian J Caldwell
Written by
Ian J Caldwell  Northern Kentucky
(Northern Kentucky)   
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