I'm happy to have a fulfilling job The only time I'm not happy Is when I consider how so many Have unfulfilling jobs to Support my fulfilling job
Like for instance There's the guy who shines my shoes twice a day That's because I have to kick things And I need good-looking shoes for that He shines my shoes with a smile On his face or somewhere on his body But I can't believe he finds his job as fulfilling as I find my job When I get to kick something
There's also the guy who looks after my health At first he was just my taster Making sure no one poisons me But then his duties were extended Up to including reading The Possible Side Effects Of all my medications
And there he saw it one day: And said βIt says here that one possible side effect of this medicine is the delusion that you have a fulfilling job when you don't have such a fulfilling job.β And then it all went ****
And I found myself back to working an unfulfilling job Now I just hope I can remember how to do it Because a long line of angry customers is forming somewhere in relation to where I am positioned now