But first I consulted Kings lying beneath a sword Uneasy at high noon! By what duty did they rule, benevolence or fear Weakness or strength! Did he view his kingdom from a moving window Square it away! Or did they walk by in quiet fealty as in looking at a lion King of the forest! The single despot once held by all in stormy contempt Commit them all to the deep! The power vested in the crown though this was their glory Long live the King! He thought of a Republic but could not agree Freedom Freedom! Each man a King as if he himself had grown additional limbs We the people! But could any man born in idealist fervor remain as such The invisible hand! The merest taste of an apple would remove his conscience The lusting snake! How tenuous it would be to honor temptation so easily Save me Lord! And with so many is sin best served in the heart of one man? For I am Solomon! Leaving behind his favorite toy was when the moment arrived A man haunted! He resisted flight though he was promised eternal life An heirs lives forever! The memory of his name was all that was required His name was his fathers! More detective than ruler he mastered prophecy A spy in their midst! He preferred the absence of a single guiding principle Except for his own amibiton! For there was none that another man would not dispute The division gives purpose! He knew freedom resided in the illusion of belief in the absurd A big lie is better than small! Or in the belief that the cross meant him no harm We have lived in hell already! For he was Caesar and what was his was his as commanded He received the blessing! The thin thread of discord were yellow black and white And so began man’s discontent! The braid created more questions than answers Borders of sand! It was to be richer poorer and everything in between What do I care! Social relationships that accepted neither dominance or submission Anarchy! Social relationships that demanded status and subservience Royalty! He believed opulence fostered his acceptance by the people The splendor! For all his riches so much remained for the common man Incentive and reward! It was the hope of holes dug and steel forged by ideas Entrepreneurs and prospectors! His protection was that no man could hoard their life They were free! But most of all the trust he lacked was the same as theirs The sword falls on every man! The uneasy alliance, two to collude or millions for a revolution Trust or madness! The first shot is the hardest and their glory weighed upon them Into the breach! Mistrust of one another was the first creation of law and order No man is without sin! For though anarchy is the absence of power it is fear that crowns Fear of each other! The more layers of gold upon his throne the more pronounced his mercies The glory of a pardon! Speech upon speech to protect to feed to represent before God I will be your savior! For it was their awe of him that made him King They were peasants! Who would speak such as this except a man with enough belief It was his gift! And belief was all that was required because of their doubt Sincerity greater than truth! Their awe knew of nothing that a noble could conceive For they believed! It was the presence of wonder as to what he was thinking The stared at his face! All that would be required was to believe in his decisions He was descended from the Gods! For they knew there was nothing they could do except beg He would feed them! And though they hated him their fears drew relief from him He was assurance! He thought it best to treat them like animals in the forest To tame lions! For nature harbors no ego no memory no remorse no pride Man’s dominion! Only survival instincts which he destroyed by providing for all Their content was bought! But where he was wrong was that men were not animals No they are Gods! Providing for all does not dig up seeds before they germinate The will build towers to God! For that is only the thought of men in a tower who believe Detachment and delusion! And though they knew they were the wisest of them all For who else knew of these things! He knew that they failed because they were not animals They had minds! No, they were not instead they were a garden full of hubris The ego! And to care so much while wearing a crown is a lie Survival is all that matters! For the crown only lives as long as a noble is pacified Give them title! And a noble lives only as long as a poor man is pacified Give them bread! But a poor man will not be pacified by eating cake or beans Give me more! He will not die because it is his destiny to be so unfortunate I am a man! No, he will not so what King would rule knowing any of this The King is dead! For it has all been tried before, caring too much Only for himself! Caring so much that freedom must be taken away for equality Mindless egalitarianism! Caring so much that what a man may conceive is a threat to the crown There greatest threat is knowledge! Caring so much that a possession must be taken for the good of all For all possession is wealth! But who decides and who gives and who receives and who doesn't Only the King! Yes, it has all been tried before and the King had no answer for him That is why he is dead! He knew all of this and that is why he does not want to be King That is why he is dead! He does not want to be King but there will always be someone Wealth is his possession! And that is what we have now, someone not something Save us from the evil doers! For something is a guiding light, a principle which we all know Save us from the evil doers! But someone is nothing except what we believe them to be They must believe in someone! And our belief is what someone must germinate in our garden A lamb rise if you believe!
Stream of consciousness about politics today... not saying it's coherent but neither are our leaders