Your eyes as I have always seen them l More beautiful in reality than the way I dream them y Your eyes are oceans of endless beauty a Your eyes; ocean i r Your skin; beach y o L Your hair; stars M Your smile; moon i Your love a night watching the tide roll in g D And I'm a lonely sailor a Storms are raging brought in by your horizons l Brutal thunderous squalls n Walls of water fall as rain L y Tears to drown us all f Your eyes as I believe them A More astounding than any scene from imagination Your eyes are oceans of endless feeling Your eyes; ocean Your words; wind Your heart; seagulls Your soul; capsizing ships Your love a night watching the tide roll out
Your eyes are my demise My death is your ocean floor Your seas are angry currents Painful waves thrashing into rocks And crushing my very soul
the fluff isn't meant to be understood, just to look pretty, of course it means something, but its something only understood by me