He lies and lies and hides his truth He thinks himself clever But is just a twit He claims that he is falling And perhaps yesterday that was true But today for sure I know he lies And lies and lies and hides Because he stopped falling And has fallen To the asylum I say him visit And I heard him howling At the moon I tell the truth that he is no longer falling Because I heard the doctor through The hospital walls He has fallen into madness Lost all hope from reason The doctot clearly said No hope at all For he has fallen hard So hard he has lost his head And replaced it with his heart Fallen mad His heart for his head Drawn his eyes and mouth With crayons every shade of red He no longer talks He only sings And to make things worse In a dreadful voice He sings off key He sings his lies of falling Falling falling Lies and lies and lies is where he hides You can check the chart yourself Thr doctor left it out for all to see He isn't falling He has fallen Fallen mad to love And that loves For you The only cure The doctor fears Is an axe to remove The heart he claims as his head But even then the doctor fears Its too late To stop whats already fallen And that no matter what You do He will always Be in love with you