beginning like any other day I took my two feet and placed them on the cold floor tongue and grove faux oak laid north to south in a diagonal house, pre-dawn quiet flittering dust bunnies darted in every direction seeking the perfect hiding spot a place with the ability to avoid the wild, free-range vacuum known for destroying whole families toes stretched reaching for the opposite walls as if I might grow eight extra legs and then I would really never know where I am going the Pisces in me I suppose…. she slightly shifted her breathing patterns as my weight redistributed the mattress foam inaudible mumbles and a soft sigh passed lips on the very edge of slumber’s embrace the corners of my own turned up as hers is the voice my ears were destined to hear straightening the comforter so as to snuggle her in tight until the snooze button the blood within my veins seemed to speed up and flush my cheeks with rose overcome with gratefulness and peace I cast watery eyes to the window just in time to see a large red-headed woodpecker eyeballing our scene hopping from post to post to seemingly get a better view, he cocked his head slightly giving me a nod of approval…. at least that was my interpretation –