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Apr 2016
Not for the next day
Live to make the most of your lives
Please tell me you do not live to get pay
Just to turn around and give it away
Spending  all your time on the freeway
On your cell phones
Just to keep up with the people named  Jones
Keeping yourself in debt with all your loans
Who says you can't throw stones
At the end of your day sharing nothing
but your moans and groans
Making excuses of why it's all worth it  
Your salary is worth more then the reality ?


Go on a big spending spree !!
Go ahead buy one more pair of Ray-bans
Show everyone that you can '
Work really hard for that pension plan
That sure will make you better than
You call that a life's plan?
Your master plan?
Jumped right into that frying pan

Mark Tilford
Written by
Mark Tilford  Louisville ky
(Louisville ky)   
       ---, ryn and Jake muler
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