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Apr 2016
I have experienced it in so many different places
I have been broke into a  million pieces
My trust decreases
When the pain slowly increases
When it grabs hold it never releases  
Hanging on until it ceases

I thought my heart was made of gold
Then why want it let the pain go
The pain  
Took it's golden glow
Hidden by the pains shadows  
It happened a very long time ago
Something pain bestows

It overflows
It is so **** strong
and it is hard to overthrow
Sad to say
It will still be with me
the day after tomorrow

I will continue to fight through it
Until I get strong enough
To say "O.K"
Enough is a enough
And I get my life back
the way it was before

And my heart is restored

Mark Tilford
Written by
Mark Tilford  Louisville ky
(Louisville ky)   
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