Black holes in our black souls The apparent dictation of darkness has demands Brush strokes thicken as anger and depression merge on the sea of prosperity From so much gain there runs a path of two car crash societies The more we sing dance and indulge in our delights, then so many more shall wait outside in the pouring rain, sodden in defeat, rusting with age, Monolithic silence fills our empty worthless chambers, electronic obesity feeds our deformed dimensions, our cold fragile hearts, grafted to the glaciers,, Black holes in our black souls Charred embers drench the walls Suffocation came about as toxins breathed became the diet to provide to sustain We evolved but evolution has left us behind, and in its fiery tail we scrape an existence, only its a disturbance, White noise wisdom surrounds , played to unwanting ears in unfamiliar sounds, Black holes in our black souls, crazy freaks with their hands on the controls, and all the while , we sit dribbling, with a strange smile