We're all hypocrites preaching word of God. It's not what you do Monday to Friday, 9 - 5, that interests me, it's how you choose to spend your Saturday nights alone. And more times than not, you'll find the preachers spanked up in a brothel or in the neighbours bed when the one who placed that ring upon their finger thought they were walking the dog. Wear an 18 karat gold cross, hang all the Live. Laugh. Love pictures around the family home and go to church on Sunday's, but everyone knows they sit on that prostitutes hand print she left on his xss. They sit lopsided too. That handkerchief doesn't fool anyone. They only carry it for the paranoia that residue crack they snorted off her chest still lingers around their perfectly trimmed nostrils. We're all hypocrites preaching word of our own religions and changing the bedsheets every fxckxng morning.