Away from all other cities Far from any walkway or road Lies a simple city on the sea Known only as Mrn
The city would rise and fall With the tide of that great sea Which gave it the lasting title Of the Tidal City
None for sure knew How exactly the city moved For the mechanisms that allowed it Never had to be repaired
But this did not worry the simple folk Who lived in the city and along the coast For they were happy and content Playing on the warm seashore
Every spring all manner of turtles Would rise out of the sea To bury their eggs in the sand And wait for their young to hatch
The people of Mrn were particularly fond Of those turtles and their precious eggs Often they would sit on the beach for days Guarding the eggs from potential predators
The costal folk lived there Peaceful and content In that tidal city of Mrn That rose and fell with the waves