sitting here in the cusp of a greedy world where each seeks something only for own good,
i would rather have a bouquet of goodies for me and my folks particularly as the new year begins,
i look back at the cosmic awareness of knowledge seeking ancient brahmins, and get amazed at the altruist spirit and sense of renunciation, they made a common daily practice, that rang loud in chants during elaborate rituals of fire sacrifice in ancient times.
one by one, putting an enormous collection of offerings ; butter,variety of sacred wood, flowers,herbs and grains in to flames, with the accompaniment of chants of benediction and good thoughts, in unison, each one asserted in chaste Sanskrit: "This is not for me" "idem na mama" with each offering.
the Gods could have any reason, not to accept those offerings, given away with purest of intensions, that changed the ionic configuration of the atmosphere, more beneficial to humans by changing air, land and water, pure and full of life force.