I am a feminist. Does that mean I'm the radical relentless woman determined to ruin the rule of the man? Or am I the sweet, soft lass striving to impress my sweetheart, because we all know that ‘confidence is ****’?
I am a feminist. Even though my friends have told me “I’ve never felt unequal to men” And the raging facebook comments on the history of how women are inferior and men cannot be *****. Because their opinions cannot be right.
I am a feminist. When I was 15 I thought I was wrong for liking menswear, and still wearing skirts. I was told that if you were assaulted the culprit could never be caught because their word speaks louder than yours.
I am a feminist. When the UK statistics say that nearly a quarter of men do not think consent is important and thousands are sacked for just being pregnant. We are bombarded by the expectations of looking good because now your eyebrows your greatest trait.
I performed this on my youtube channel if you want to check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t48npaGsqQY