You move everything which Is most intimate in me, Without touching, You hold up candles But I stumble in their light, Without thinking, You cut deep chasms in my mind, Without knowing, you test me.
And I love to play servant Under your stubborn gaze, You trick me then laugh, But a piece of my heart Leaps over backwards. You make me the hero Which my mind then adores, You make me strong like the river, You make me.
Our two minds are touching Outside of this world, I have known you completely, When you were the gold coin I was its beggar, When you were the wind......
You move like a panther Escaped from its cage, I meet you on corners and freeze, My mind like a compass On top of a magnet, My legs like a tree.
You hollow my eyes And fill them with wax, Your wick always burns But you never go bang, For me. I wait by your fire But you never give heat, I swallow your swords But you stay in your seat, I give you flowers But you want weeds.