Arise, exhale, limber up and go conquering the day, with a whistle as I stroll
The Horizon in view; taking it, nothing new Learning from defeats, because I shall not, cannot retreat
Woe! To my adversaries I am pretty scary, once momentum picks up I can bump down any barriers.
Avoiding corrupted energies
Because I am sweet like Ben and Jerries cause the day I come to slay, every of the mornings when I have awakened.
Praying only to Yahweh.
Staying forever blessed never forsaken.
Raking in the blessings, learning from my adolescence, basking in the Divines essence.
Omega keeps me safe because Amazing is always present.
Always present!
Even in defeats, I tell yeah, because it is there where you learn, for it is human insanity to fall into repetition and sometimes cause your own casualty or maiming your own flesh but because God is with me.... I shall never truly die, even well I am flying far down into the depths of hell, Michael is my name and I came to conquer these days so God can take me away to the heavens, I await.