(response to yesterday’s prompt for national poetry month)
paisley in golden rod, the only name for a fabric this fright'ning, remembered all too well. by siblings one and all. short one for little brother. long one for a father, tall. each has tried to forget this, a night of infamy gone wrong, a season's greeting in the middle of the sixties. when one from distant shore thought to add to our family this lore, and sent as Christmas gift, what's not on ANY child's list; now tis burned indelibly, etched far too deep in memory for sure this gaffe they thought a boon. till disappointed children's sighs their echoed groans 'cross living room, this boon a bust revealed! for whatever possessed this he or she? who, but pure insanity, would conjour up this spirit of unholy, living terror? for this was no gift in living color; no... this instead, t'was the night before Christmas, when hell incarnate dropped in for a visit, and dressed children six, with a mum and their dad in matching paisly, pajamas of golden rod; still a distressing memory forever in infamy fixed!
post script.
yes, there are pics and there's even a home movie; six siblings are still trying to unearth and shred every copy!