your tiny origami world gets torn; then, yer mememe death comes by way of small paper cuts; from the periphery of this rip, you swim upstream, again, till you see the fēniks wing glinting like a finger ring careening off the sun.
hmm's and err's now populate yer thinky time like never before, here in Cleverly Folded Paper World.
t h e r e you are; mmm, you feel the feels even more, and the refresh bubbles up from the torn.
but still the big cut creeps back --- x out old you; new document, anew anew, stares, blinking, waiting.
edits forever bloom steely wutabtme? iridium spiels around edges of tattooed white petals, elegant writs fell; wilting; seeding...
this world, too, must be cut to fit: if you wish to have a home for the iNGkē worm that sillily dreams of one day winning its wings.