So what in the world does true love mean And how is love best shown A gift to love in life each day, Be sure you make it known! It starts with "L" for laughing a lot Don't spend your life so sad Just keep it light, enjoy each day, Don't ever leave her mad! Up next is "O" for observing her, Just watch her everyday She'll soak up all your attention then Your eyes won't ever stray! The "V" stands for total vigilance Always work on showing love Don't ever let your passion lapse, Show it's her you're dreaming of! And lastly "E" stands for everything Show her what she's truly worth Let her know she's all you ever need Or want upon this earth! So let's re-cap, just Laugh a lot Observe her everyday Be Vigilant that she feels your love In Everything you say! This spells out "LOVE" that a real man has To show best to his wife, He gives her all each and everyday- She stands by him through life!