I know you've seen the toughest times In just the past few years I've seen you buckle from the pain I've wiped away your tears! I wish I could just wave a wand And make your sorrows gone There's several things I'd like to say For now, let's start with one - I've never been quite super man Or strong as Hercules I can't run fast or jump too high Or even swing from trees, There's one thing though I can do well It's be here for my friend To hold you up, to see you through From now till very end! I'll fight for you all wars of life, I'll battle hottest flames I'll hold your hand and lead the way Through life's incredible pain! I'll never leave your side again, I'll stick to you like glue, And when you feel a bit alone Just think, I'm here for you! You'll never find a friend like me From sea to shining sea, I'll be right here from this day on The Best Friend I can be!