You never actually listen about what i have to say Have i ever not listen to every single you left words unsaid? Am I not being strong for us when im still seen not here but as if complaining about what my heart tears Do you fail to realise that you were the one trying to push me away When I was just there trying not to interfere Why do you always say that because due to my feelings feel make me have change When i was still the same person since the begining and never once you heard my heart whistling So why do you say all this or is this due to what your heart actually fears For all this while i've been kissing your forehead at nights and that didnt bothered at first Then you kept telling me not to have feelings towards you When actualy the truth i've never ever ever i remember saying i love you Its always every time we fight that I let out my feelings that you took in as excuses Dont you see all this while ive never complained about you Doesn't that show I praised god that he picks me to have someone as perfect as you Could this be my very last fate written by you For my feelings will never speak to you If my apologies you still refuse For Im sorry I wont speak I love you Till I forgived by you