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Mar 2016
to write against using paragraphs you prevent eye-strain, you increase speed of composition, paragraphs are what you might call the leisurely pace of writing, a promenade with a sun-umbrella, poems can never be written in paragraphs, they need the snap snap snap momentum, obviously unfavourable in times of printing on paper, not economic enough... well, digitalise my *** if you may, we're going to save the amazon rainforest this way!

the 21st doesn't really allow the perks that a 20th century
poet might have, first of all the typewriter has changed,
but so has the page you write on,
back in the 20th century you
lived and wrote,
in the 21st century you write and live,
back then you'd go to a cafe for
about ten days, or to a pub for seven
and talk talk talk, drink, talk talk talk,
play intellectual ping pong,
you lived and wrote,
you didn't write and live -
it's changed, everything has changed,
the pages are like brick walls
everywhere you and can see,
so you apply the rule: well, someone
might see it immediately, so it
must be graffiti rather than poetry,
because a. it's not really written in
public, and b. anyone can take it
immediately, on a random scroll through
this jungle maze of information,
yet poetry written in 20th century took from
the 19th etc. written with that glorious word
ah* or O, that wind of inspiraton, so light,
so breezy entering the heart... the 21st modus operandi?
the word **** **** ****, i.e. it's the ******
hoover dam cracking;
but the other thing is, you also have
the perks of a 19th or an 18th century writer,
a writer like Alexander Dumas or Balzac,
you have time, and you know you have
time to write prodigiously, you know
the audience is a niche of salon corset adorning
perfumed and pampered ladies,
with the gents reading the books to rid
yourself from the existential angst of having
someone bring you peppermint tea in the
afternoon while you lounged and tilled
the field of yawns and un-amusing gatherings
of, well, hardly ecstasy fuelled chorea minor
(st. vitus' dance) dancing raves...
but that's the thing, these days a constant
profile / presence is also a shady presence,
the background noise, ambient refrigerator noise
type observations of your own voice...
it's the 21st century after all,
we have a global world of mass tourism
and easy access to Turkey, Singapore or
Indonesia... but find our neighbour's house
to be Mt. Everest in terms of access...
impassable, well at least it's like that in England,
England and that damnable passive
voyeurism of neighbourly ordeals of staccato -
so you become a mole, you dig into
hades that your self becomes, and you expand
the horizons a little...
but still the perks of writing in the 21st century
is that you can speed up the publishing process
not really minding any material gain,
because, remember: in the 21st century
you write and live, it's not the 20th
century where you can live and write,
that's gone, it's like the idea of what Europe
used to be with free-movement of people
across the union, all the publishing wire fencing
are gone, you have to use this opportunity
to move quickly, use this opportunity,
otherwise it will suddenly disappear in the murk
of what writing used to be: the
ghoul of the infamous Vatican Index -
i mean it's still the early 21st century,
what of the end of it? history can be easily
condensed into an evolutionary theory,
pin-pointing dinosaur fossils and all that,
but i'm working in the framework of a range
of about 100 years, and the dynamics of a century,
nothing more, i'm being realistic like that:
as a poets' poet said: 'you know,
i want to become a philosophers' poet,
i want the shawl of even greater obscurity,
a mythology as it were, this paparazzi
***** and glitter of insect procreation speed
frightens me, i'm not the one for being
encapsulated in some sort of amnesia -
amnesia of the people, people's amnesia,
come one minute, gone the next,
i need to set a coordinate for people who
like to think.' and he was on the money, truthfully said.
people are always talking about all the futilities
of justice: but it's the 21st century!
makes no difference if you can't compare two
centuries and what we do that does not involve serving
our justice... the count of monte cristo always
said what was needed, start embarking on revenge
and your sought out justice will never end, for it
will never really exist, and you will not find
satisfaction in revenge, emotionally you won't,
but obviously cognitively you will, but certainly
not emotionally - since feelings have no aim,
whether in seeking revenge or in pardoning someone
for their idiocy or gluttony or whatever,
emotions are chaos, thoughts can become methodological
to the extent where you will gain revenge,
but up to a certain point, the point of exhaustion,
and then what? give your ear to zatara a while,
your emotions might surprise you, esp. if you're not
thinking out something, make your thought
a coordinate, and send out 360 vectors of the heart
where they please.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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