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Mar 2016
The lake flies are in full animation , the solar deities working incognito ..
Through nimbus blankets of calm afternoon , casual glimmers of
light , our life giver in evening repose , the eerie feeling of 'calm prior to storm .
Gray Heron's work their territories , Hawks fly figure eights high above the Juniper , White Pine , Elmwood canopy ..Bullfrogs settle in for the nighttime fireworks display as the first rumble of thunder sounds far off in the range ..Insectivorous topwater fish leave breakers beneath lilly pads , dance the waters surface for the feast at hand ..
Copyright March 11 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Randolph L Wilson
Written by
Randolph L Wilson  Chattahoochee Hills , Ga.
(Chattahoochee Hills , Ga.)   
     Pixievic, Ja, ---, ---, mark cleavenger and 2 others
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