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Mar 2016
I tried losing weight,
I was certain I was good at eating
So I let my insecurities devour me.
"Ugh who the **** is that monstrosity?"
Staring in the mirror became difficult,
I became a vampire, creating a house
without any mirrors in my vision
and as I slowly saw myself submerge
deeper into that monstrosity in the mirror
I realised, this is no longer a home,
this is a house, this is a judgemental house
where even the mirrors
are eating at my internal flame
and as my candles flickered
I knew I was never going to ever look good
So I starved myself over and over,
And when the scales read my weight,
I saw "Math Error" or "Syntax Error",
Because I knew, I was everything wrong.

I to this day, hate the way I look,
And everyday as I drive
My front view mirror reflects-
A ******* monstrosity.
Star Gazer
Written by
Star Gazer
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