You walk the path of the mind To seek knowledge that may mold your wit Into a crown of crystal jewels Which when acquired Shall grant you access to the royal court Of well-known scholars and fatal geniuses You seek to be a tragic figure of brains And at the end of your path A crowd of followers will weep for you Cleansing you for your entrance to Heaven
I walk the path of the body Strength on my conscience Protection my aim The ability to fight back is what I seek But in this strength is weakness My emotions run marathons My head is constantly loosely ******* in The two creating havoc for me And causing me to roll in pieces The end of my path I fear Has nothing But a sign that reads ‘No Exit’ For when you go to hell, there’s no turning back
Our paths lead to such opposite destinations I to the east And you to the west
Our passion is one And we dig up our paths To replant them intertwined No one offers you a lover that you really want You find your own on a path Or make your path to fit The way you want to go