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Mar 2016
I must say that I prefer
The dark and brooding
So it is with apprehension
That I accept this intruding
Line of thought in which I'm caught
After all the times
 I said it's what I've sought
But I'm not built for sweet and sappy
Then again that the result
Of living a life where I was never happy
Sure..I could laugh and joke around
Having given up long know
What it seems I've finally found
But the whole **** thing has me apoplectic
From a way of life that was all stasis
To one that is now absolutely kinetic
To try and explain to those who hover
I see they look at me as if I'm pathetic
They are probably right
As I am a soul without control
While my eyes were closed someone stole
The cloak I wore of tin foil armor
So now I'm as naked a newborn babe
And I feel as innocent as the same
Will it last......
........I carry no illusions
It's absolute......
...... even if it's just an intrusion
  A mundane life needs illusion
If for nothing else...... but the reminder
That magic isn't just a stage show
Not just a fancy trick to cause confusion
Sometimes it's childlike Joy
That shows us how to believe in
A storybook tale ....without conclusion
And how inspiring that can be  
So for that reason I will never ....ever
Allow myself.....
To turn...... that last page
Keith W Fletcher
Written by
Keith W Fletcher  63/M/Oklahoma
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