Down in the depths of the hole, there's no sound but the beat of my heart And my dark charred thoughts That drip like black oil That everything it touch's, it stains and soils Thoughts of death and gruesome memories From them there is no where to flee So I lay in the bed curled into a tight ball Just waiting to hit the bottom of the fall There is no one to talk to, no one to call No one knows how this inky darkness flows How it consumes the soul and continues to grow I'm imprisoned in theses bones, this skin Is this how the end begins I've prayed for love and light But I've only been given glimpses of that site Any happiness I have fought for is snatched away In just a short few days So now I pray For death and a shortening of my years To live a long agonize life is my fears Not one month goes by that tragedy doesn't strike It's like trying to get through life on a trike You pedal really really hard but get no where To tell the truth I just don't care I want to become totally unaware