If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it and presumably if the tree fell it follows that it was dead if all these things happen is the tree real? does it exist? is it tangible?
let me backtrack there's a sprout and it blooms grows taller grows branches and then one day as you well know it falls
was it real?
reality is subjective it makes me wonder what real is we are real in the sense that we, right now, have consciousness but that's not what I'm worried about in the grand scheme of things in the forest that is our universe...
Am I...?
No I'm talking about a tree in a forest not me in this world was it real? tell me tell me
did it matter? did any of it matter? the time lighting took off a slab of bark the time two birds made love on it the time a squirrel nestled inside it the time a leaf fell and smacked a little boy in the face yes it happened but was any of it REAL?
These are somber thoughts they reek of depression angst i've put up walls around myself which are fine to keep out intruders but it seems I did not give myself the key what am I hiding? what do I not want me to know?
Am I...? I found it the key I need to finish the sentence but I can't imagine the weight of that question how can I question that of myself do it ask
Am I....... ..... ........... real? Does any of it matter? and if some of it does am I losing sight of those things have I lost my connection to reality am I alone is this all there is?
If I fall in a forest and no one hears it and presumably if I fell it follows that I was dead if all these things happen was I real? did I exist? Was I tangible?