I am addicted to you. I am addicted to happiness. Happiness I find in the taste. The taste of you.
I am addicted to the sensation of your skin against mine. The taste of your lips against my lips, constantly linger. The simplicity of my addiction for this being, is unimaginable. The simple smell of her perfume, the way she holds herself.
My addiction goes deeper than just physical meanings. My addiction runs to my soul. This addiction, which we call love, ether way it's the same way. Consumes me, It fulfills my deepest desires.
My addiction will be the end of me. It will suffocate me and drain me, until I am no more. Sadness and realization go hand in hand, both make you stronger. My addiction is life, love, happiness, pain, sorrow, and to never leave someone behind, never betray them....
I've gone mad, forever dammed to be alone with this addiction.