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Feb 2016
he was an idiot for half
a second,
afterwards pride took over,
and he was told to be
the half second all his life...
but it mattered not
to be quicker or quivering,
because all the adventures
of life died a quickened
urban stability of 9 to 5;
strawberries came early from
spain, watered down "juicy";
i wanted acorns in autumn
i got bitchslaps in august;
bishops were in furore...
the idiot danced the clandestine surf
and it just left the koala hugging
a secret of aurora sunrise of the
ayers rock that acted like antarctica chiselling
of the kangaroo yo-yo hunting:
made boo, made orange... made worms
from morning, and early bird fed quote.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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