Seeing you every summer was like a challenge. I had to hide my remedial sources to prove I was not special, I could be normal. You were precocious and had the world at your feet. You displayed through your words and actions every day that you were not kind, you had condescending traits. Back then we were only adolescents. I had no idea what I had and you were the lead at everything you did. You had the solos, you had the grades, you had the friends, and you had the fawning adults. I never hated you for it, I had bad grades, I had no friends, and I was criticized by the adults. My solo was poorly performed as I had to do my thing and you played with others. As we grew over the years and kept our traditional meet up over the summer, I play my solo by having no phase of being alone for a moment. My challenge for you is to try it and not be the guy with a million friends. You will be surprised how much you learn from others who are less, and being surrounded by less. I'll learn from you, you learn from me, and let's teach everyone to accept our friends who may not walk the same path but still walk with us. You'll find yourself walking alone with a bit of happiness. Trust me, it feels good sometimes. I mean it as a friend.