As I read and searched you since we departed to a transition that choked me and relieved you, breathing was only by forgetting our precious little drama. I wanted so bad to shake your hand like we used to but you had too many others to hold. I tricked myself into thinking I was happy for you when really I couldn't sleep at night. I saw what you said and I could sense I'd ruin your life if we stayed in touch. I had too much work and you had too much to drink that night. I laid down to rest after a tough day and you laid back down in your bed of roses where you fell into since we departed. I'm ok now, I have no need for that precious little drama. You want none of my swinging and I hate when you're shooting. You use it on me by taking another girl. By the way, are you still talking to her? Or is there someone new like always in your life. This precious little drama is all on you. Don't come running back when your roses die and she doesn't call. By now nobody should be surprised as you hang at bars alone and intoxicate yourself forgetting you're punishing not pushing yourself to grow stronger. I'm strong, why aren't you?