I think it's amazing how much time has passed and yet nothing has changed Sure we may be leading different lives yet our feelings for each other are the same You went to college in Texas I stayed here in Arizona with my poetry We went two years without talking and still that hasn't changed anything We still go swimming in the middle of the night in your pool and kiss under the oak tree in your backyard We go for ice cream at Sonic as we sit watching the stars We still call each other by our nicknames then laugh about nothing for hours We stay up late watching zombie movies only to become too terrified to sleep afterwards You have been my best guy friend since freshman year of high school You used to be like a brother to me Now when I look at you I describe you as my everything I don't know why I never noticed it before but I notice it now I have liked you for a really long time how about we give love a shot?
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: February. 11, 2016 Thursday 2:07 AM