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Feb 2016
I am not a poet because I lack maturity,
My writing will always be tainted straying from purity,
There may be days I write my heart and soul,
But no matter how much I write I never feel whole.
I saw the world for its beauty but also its evils,
I've seen people be nice but also be decietful.
I am not a poet for I still find the word **** funny,
But I am fine being me,
Seeing the things I prefer to see.
My immaturity is what makes me how I am,
And if people refuse to accept that part of me,
Then I no longer require them in my life.
Immaturity does not mean I'm never serious,
It simply means I can distort my childlike side into this reality,
In a world where I'm taking orders from bosses,
Taking insults from university professors,
Why can't I retain my child like mind?
I am serious elsewhere, I am a stick in hay at work,
I am everything proper and mature,
But can't I be me when I want to be,
Why can't i just keep my childlike humour.
Star Gazer
Written by
Star Gazer
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