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Feb 2016
You spoke of suicide,
And I fell apart like a lost puppy,
Unsure of how to help,
In retrospect I should have been strong,
Faced the tumbling sky,
With head and shoulders upwards,
But now that you're gone,
I can't help but feel ashamed,
knowing that even with,
Those monsters lurking within you,
I would have stayed.
I guess I didn't have a chance to,
tell you enough.

Happy Valentines day my dear,
you'll have my ear,
The same way you held my heart,
And I pray that year after year,
Your new babe and you won't split apart.
Emotions will always be my handicap,
Crippling how my brain makes its choices.
I was pressuring you to say what is on your mind,
Without realising that suicide was on your mind,
I guess....I should have paid closer attention,
But now ...time ticks over time,
All I'm left with is the memories of you.
Thank you for everything dear.
Star Gazer
Written by
Star Gazer
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