When you fall asleep by TV light; and wake Without coaxing whispers or suggestive Pulls, realising the ghosting, restive Fingers you felt were only ghosts raking
Over your skin; when you pick up the phone Every time you see a droll pick-up line, But hear just "Leave a message at the tone," Don't find yourself all by yourself, but find Yourself, all by yourself; smile wistfully At echoes of past weaknesses; learn bull- Fighting, or pottery, with tickets you'd bought Together; fill your minutes with you; and when
All else fails, console yourself with dreamy Leads, cheesy films, and tubfulls of ice-cream.
And the sun will again sink into the West, and the day will again melt in the night, and summer will freeze, and I Am in love with you, And will be, As I look you in the eyes and tell you, "I'm over it."